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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fitness for beginners (or re-beginners!)

Are you interested in getting into shape (or BACK in shape)??  Here are some tips to get you started, keep you going, and prevent you from sliding back onto the couch!

Where to begin - Determine your current level of activity (your starting point), and be honest with yourself. 

Exercise = Lifting weights, running, biking, aerobics, swimming, dance/zumba = things that get your heart rate pumping, make your muscles sore, and are hard work
Activity = Walking,vacuuming, doing laundry, dishes
Sedentary = Movement only when necessary (going to bathroom, going to stores, walking between couch and fridge) much time spent in a chair, on a couch, in bed, in front of a computer

 5 - Extremely active daily, marathon/triathlon type
 4 - Frequent difficult exercise 5-7 days per week
 3 - Regular exercise 2-4 days per week + activity
 2 - Regular activity with occasional exercise
 1 - Some activity, no exercise
 0 - Sedentary
-1 - Recent bed rest, illness, infirmity, injury, severe obesity 

Are you a -1 or 0?  See your doctor to get approval prior to beginning exercise.  If you have a specific injury or frequent back pain, consider physical therapy with a professional to design a program that is safe for you.

Set yourself up for success

Book exercise on your calendar and keep those "appointments"

Choose times that are realistic
  • Don't double book yourself
  • Give yourself time to travel and shower
  • Don't choose 5 am if you are not a morning person
  • Don't choose late evenings if you are a procrastinator
Consider enlisting a friend, either as a work out buddy or someone who will ask you regularly if you are meeting your goals.  Be there for each other when one of you "slip" and stop working toward your goals.

Get visual!  Download a year-at-a-glance free calendar from the web.  Days you work out, outline in green and write in the minutes.  Days you skip, fill in in red.  This will help you to be honest with yourself and see any potential patterns that emerge.  Post this prominently and fill it in each day.

Dress the part - have the right clothes (comfortable, easy to move in, breathable or warm depending on the weather) and have them with you when your work out appointment time arrives.

Invest in a pair of good shoes - choose your activity, walking, running, etc and go to a sports store to get fitted and choose the right shoe for your activity.

Plan in advance for setbacks - busy schedule, too tired, need childcare?  Life happens!  You are significantly more likely to stick to your goal if you anticipate stumbling blocks and decide how to conquer them before they occur.

Set realistic goals  If you are a -1 to 2 (even if you used to be a 3-5), give your body time to adjust.  A common mistake is to overdo it the first few times out...this can lead to injury, excessive soreness and discourage you from reaching your ultimate goal.  Remember, the goal is lifelong fitness and this cannot be achieved in one day. 

Check your ego at the door - workouts should be challenging, make you sweat, and make your muscles mildly sore.  You don't have to press 300 lbs to achieve this!  Go at your own level and don't worry about anyone else's brag numbers.

Try something new - many people report boredom as an excuse for quitting.  If you need a lot of stimulation, a treadmill is likely not for you.  Try a new sport, activity, workout class.  Think you're not coordinated enough for Zumba?  Try an at home video first before joining a class.

Ask for help - many gyms will show you how to use equipment properly without charging a trainer fee.  They don't want you to get hurt either!  Your results will be much better and your chance of injury will be much less... so ask!

At home exercise? - get a variety of videos to mix it up or check out On Demand workout programs, YouTube and other great sites for free work outs.  Looking for a video that will warm you up but continue to challenge you as your fitness increases?  I use 20 Second Fitness (, which was designed by my friend and colleague Dr. Charles Mok.  Whatever you choose, you don't need a ton of equipment...a few resistance bands, hand weights, or a stability ball and you are on your way!

Prepare for the weather - unless you live in Palm Springs, the weather may thwart even the best laid plans.  Have a back up plan in advance so you don't throw in the towel on a rainy day. 

ANYONE can start working out!  Start at your level and work up from there.  Google "couch to 5K" and you will find tons of different (free!) plans.

What is your goal? - If you want to be an Olympic lifter, you will need to dedicate many many hours to this pursuit.  For the rest of us, the goal is typically to look better and feel better.  Exercise can reduce your risk for heart attacks (the #1 killer of men and women), diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, high cholesterol, depression, and many other health problems.  Keep the prize in mind - your health!  Remember this on the days you are feeling sluggish.

Back pain?  - Exercise and strengthening the core muscles (the back and abdominals) will decrease chronic back pain and help prevent injury.  There are many online programs designed for people with low back problems to get this started.

WARNING - if you ever experience chest pain, dizziness, numbness, or fainting during exercise, stop and seek immediate medical attention.

Get started TODAY!!  Even if you can only do 10 minutes, that is a good start.  Studies show that you can work out in 10 minute blocks 3 times per day (instead of 30 min at a time) and still achieve the same benefits!  So get up, do something, start to sweat!

READER QUESTION:  What are you doing for exercise?  How to you prevent skipping workouts?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Skipped meals = weight gain!

I have heard many people say that they are on a brief "crash diet" before a big event or weigh in.  Celebrities are notorious for doing this prior to red carpet events.  What many people don't know is that the few ounces "saved" from skipping a meal can result in increased pounds down the road!


If you want an effective, hot-burning furnace (metabolism), does it make any sense to starve it of fuel??  The best way to stoke the flames of your furnace is:

1. Give it high-quality fuel - you cannot reasonably expect great quality furnace performance when you fuel it with garbage.  A good fire needs wood/coal, oxygen, etc the same way your body needs lean protein, healthy fats, and plenty of vegetables.  Instead of thinking of a particular food as "good" or "bad", ask yourself if it will benefit your metabolism.

2. Fuel up frequently - if you want a fire to burn 24 hours per day you need to add fuel at regular intervals.  Many people eat only one meal per day and wonder why they don't lose weight.  But, by doing this, they send a message to the body that it will only get fueled once per day so for the rest of the day, the body must hold on to every bit and conserve...translation - your body doesn't trust that you will feed it so it will hold onto your fat to get through the rest of the day.  If you eat regularly, your body can trust that fuel will be easily available and it doesn't need to greedily hoard any supplies in your fat cells for protection.

3. Rev it up! - blaming your weight on a bad metabolism?  It is true that certain brands of furnaces are more efficient that others (ie some people have a better metabolism genetically) but you can give it your best effort even with less than ideal genes.  Muscle burns 3 times more calories than fat, so small increases in muscle (lean body mass) can give big dividends metabolically.  And, if you want to burn more, there is no substitute for have to sweat!

4.  Spice up your life - spices such as turmeric (curry), cinnamon, hot peppers, and Tabasco give small increases in your metabolism!  These delicious food additives have anti-oxidants and give any pro-metabolism diet and exercise plan a small boost!

Reader Question:  What other topics would YOU like to hear about in order to boost YOUR metabolism and health?